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Fibromyalgia and Sleep

Sleep problems can potentially lead to fibromyalgia pain.

Millions of Americans lay awake in their beds at night tossing and turning, unable to sleep. Insomnia can disrupt your life, making the simplest tasks seem insurmountable and even damage your personal relationships.

But did you also know that insomnia can lead to debilitating conditions like fibromyalgia and chronic pain?

Fibromyalgia is a complex chronic pain syndrome that primarily affects women. The syndrome includes widespread pain in muscles, ligaments, and joints as well as fatigue and trouble sleeping.

New research from Norway shows that women with sleep disturbances were THREE time more likely to develop fibromyalgia. The study included data from over 12,000 women over the course of ten years. While the link between fibromyalgia and sleep still needs further research to be fully understood, the researchers recommended that early intervention into sleep disorders could prevent future chronic pain.

For people that already have fibromyalgia, exercise and chiropractic are two natural options for minimizing pain without the adverse effects of drugs.

New research has shown that gentle stretching, yoga, and tai chi can benefit fibromyalgia in a number of ways. In 2010, two different medical studies indicated that when compared to conventional treatment methods, patients who participated in yoga and tai chi experienced enhanced sleep quality, better physical symptoms, and improvements in mood, depression, and anxiety.

Chiropractic is another powerful, natural method to relieve the pain of fibromyalgia for many patients. One study looked at patients who were suffering with chronic fibromyalgia. After receiving chiropractic treatments, the majority of patients improved significantly, experiencing decreased pain intensity and fatigue as well as better sleep quality. Yet another study found that chiropractic and exercises were an effective way to reduce pain and disability.

Don't let the pain of fibromyalgia determine your quality of life. Call our office today to see how we can help you relieve your pain.